Thursday 15 November 2012

Spiritual Benefits Of Love - 5 Things To Look At Post Divorce

An unexamined life is not worth livin fashion coats g.

Do you find yourself wondering what your relationship was all about? Do you blame your mate and question how you ever got into the relationship in the first place? Are you feeling free and happy that you're finally out but shoving the experience under the carpet. Do you ask yourself, What was that all about? If this resonates with you read on for some enlightening answers.

It's helpful to look at the reasons you and your ex were together. What was the gain, what was the growth, what was the winning lesson? Every relationship provides an opportunity to see yourself more clearly - if you are honest with yourself you'll be amazed at the insights you'll receive.

I'm going to give you five things to consider that will give you a better understanding of what your relationship was all about and what it's purpose was for you.

Time's Up - this is where you've gotten into the relationship because you wanted guidance or support physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually and when that need has been met, your desire fulfilled, the work of the relationship is done. Your prayer has been answered and it's time to move on.

La Dolce Vita -this is where you got into the relationship because it was an opportunity to expand in all ways. To share, grow and learn. He teaches you something you never knew before and there's much joy and laughter together. You learned the value of playing and having fun as well as appreciating what life has to offer.

Soul Structure - He has helped you with life lessons and given you a solid foundation to build upon. You can now take what you've learned and apply it to other relationships and areas of your life. Accept and appreciate this gift.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall - have you heard the term, water finds its own level? The majority of people resonate towards those who are energetically vibrating at the same level as they are. You know when you meet someone and you instantly click- you immediately like each other. Chances are you share similar morals, ethics and beliefs. To take it one level deeper, within that shared grid are also similar issues that need some polishing so you can gain some personal growth. You may not like what I'm going to say next, but it is undeniably true - whatever irritates you about your ex, or anyone for that matter, is a mirror for your growth. The behavior gets under your skin because it's an issue in you that needs healing - and once you see that and heal it in yourself you're free.

Daddy Dearest - re-creating the relationship dynamics you have or had with your father is common for many women. It's an unconscious way to work through unresolved issues. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't. The important thing here is consciousness. When you have this awareness it's beneficial to ask yourself, What do I need to heal, what do I need to resolve, what do I need to forgive, what do I need to let go of?

Do yourself a favor, stop and reflect, and you'll be thrilled. Clarity will completely obliterate sadness and confusion. The biggest bonus - when you focus on the positive growth you gained from your marriage the gratitude you feel will help you release any negative energies you may still have about your ex. You'll be way more accepting of the situation and your outlook for the future will be completely bright and positive.

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